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Child and Vulnerable Persons Safety


We believe God doesn't just call us to love families, he calls us to be a part of His family; that is why families matter. From the great grandparents to the youngest baby, family is the heartbeat of God's church. This family transcends gender, race, social class and upbringing. It is a coming together and uniting of peoples created in the image of God.

At Kingdom Community Church, we want to do life together the way that God always intended. That means having fun, eating food together, learning from each other and journeying through the tough stuff in life - all built on a foundation of love. Through this family, the Gospel will reach all corners of our wider community.



We want to provide the safest environments possible where we are working with children and youth. Every one of our leaders have done the Working with Children Check and have been trained in the Safe Spaces and aim to provide safe spaces as per the training. If you have any concerns or questions, we have leaders in each of our campuses responsible for the safety of your children and for all vulnerable church goers.


Please see attached our child and vulnerable person policy. Please note that we are part of the INC Church movement and hold all appropriate insurances as well as being accountable to INC for our staff and volunteer training in this area.


Want to Volunteer?

Please see our volunteer safe ministry check form. This will need to be completed and provided to our child safety officer. A current working with children’s check will also need to be provided.


International Network of Churches

Safe Church Policy and Guidelines


The International Network of Churches (‘INC’) Safe Church Policy and Guidelines form part of our movement’s ongoing commitment to be a safe place for all people in order that our churches are God-honouring, life-giving and harm-free. 

These are designed to support INC Churches in fulfilling their pastoral and organisational responsibilities along with legal obligations in the Australian context.  



  • Are written with regard to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (based on the 10 Standards for Child Safe Organisations from the Royal Commission) and legislation, including child protection, work health and safety and the governance standards of the ACNC.

  • Take into account the local responsibilities of our INC churches and ministries, and INC Policy documentation.

  • Contain ‘minimum standards’ for INC Safe Church, in child and vulnerable people protection and responses to misconduct and abuse.

  • Are for the adoption and implementation in all INC churches, or for comparison with existing local INC church policy and procedures for people protection and responding to misconduct and abuse, to ensure existing policy and procedure meets the ‘minimum standards’ herein.

  • Require signed agreement with INC Policy documentation and by laws.


INC Safe Church documents access

The up to date versions of the INC Safe Church Documentation (Policy, Guidelines and supporting documentation) is available from the INC website;


For more information the INC Office, INC Liaison Officer – (07) 3387 7755



The INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines and supporting documentation are an adaptation of Safe Ministry Resources P/L (SMR) - Safe Church Framework © 2020.   All documents are used by permission of SMR and for the purpose of child and vulnerable people protection in INC Churches.



Safe Church Policy ................................................................................................3

Safe Church Guidelines ……….............................................................................9

Guideline 1 …………………………......................................................................9

Guideline 2 …………………………......................................................................9

Guideline 3 …………………………....................................................................10

Guideline 4 …………………………....................................................................11

Process for reporting concerns about children .............................................12

Process for reporting concerns about adults ................................................13

Guideline 5 ……………………...........................................................................14

Guideline 6 …………………………....................................................................14

Guideline 7 …………………………....................................................................15

Guideline 8 …………………………....................................................................15

Guideline 9 …………………………....................................................................16

Guideline 10 ………………………......................................................................17







  • Purpose

  • Scope

  • Policy Statements

  • Responsibilities

  • Safe Church Procedures

  • Policy Approval and Review


The INC Safe Church Policy:

1.1 guides our work in establishing and maintaining safe environments for all people, including children and young people;

1.2 underpins our biblical mandate to: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22:37-40);

1.3 promotes and provides for the provision of services that foster the health and safety of all who access our church and/or programs;

1.4 ensures that all workers (paid and volunteer) associated with our church fulfil their pastoral and organisational responsibilities; and

1.5 ensures compliance with legislation, and also with the intention of the legislation, as it relates to protecting people, particularly the vulnerable (including children).


This Policy applies to all those associated with our movement including:

2.1  all Ordained Pastors, workers (paid & volunteer) and members of boards;

2.2  as specified herein, guests or hirers of the church and its facilities

2.3  as specified herein, contractors, subcontractors, delivery persons or others engaged to provide services; and

2.4 as specified herein, those who access our site and/or programs.

2.5 all charities (e.g. global care), mission trips and all other entities of INC.

2.6 excluding, all INC schools, colleges and child care centres / early learning centres. It is understood that all our educational ministries operate under strict State legislation, and as such will have their own requirement for safety. These educational ministries must be able to demonstrate compliance with these laws, through their own set of Safety policy and procedures.


3.1  We acknowledge that all people have a right to feel and be safe, and to experience life-giving, harm-free interactions when engaging in INC activities, events and programs;

3.2  We acknowledge the need for sensitivity and consideration of all people of aboriginal, ethnically and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as any person with a disability;

3.3  We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our INC Safe Church Guidelines including:

3.3.1 safe and friendly environments where people are listened to, feel safe, accept challenges, develop faith and grow in connection with God and others,

3.3.2 safe and adequate recruitment, training, supervision, support and  
  resourcing of our workers, and

3.3.3 appropriate and expedient responses to all incidents, accidents, child protection and/or Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns

3.3.4 In relation to children (0-17 years), we acknowledge the primary role of parents and caregivers as well as the role of children in child protection and will engage with children and caregivers, and invite feedback as part of our procedures and interactions

3.3.5 In relation to children (0-17 years), we acknowledge the shared
responsibility of the whole community for child safety and welfare,
including caregivers and our workers, and as such we will promote the role of parents and caregivers and the wider community in the shared responsibility of child safety

3.3.6 In relation to known sexual abusers (known offender) the National Executive will manage the associated pastoral, legal and insurance risks, on a case by case basis. Where deemed by the National Executive to be appropriate to keep people safe, they will direct the local church to require that the known offender cease contact with the church.

3.4 It is a serious breach of this policy for any worker in our church to contravene this policy, any related procedure, or any regulation in law, in relation to the safety and protection of children and the vulnerable.





4.1.1 be respectful of all people, especially of children and the vulnerable, respecting the rights of all people at our church to safe and friendly interactions,

4.1.2 foster and encourage the participation and empowerment of all people in staying safe,

4.1.3 take all reasonable care for their own health and safety,

4.1.4 take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect others health and safety,

4.1.5 comply with all reasonable instructions from the church leadership,

4.1.6 comply with church policies, guidelines and directives from the leadership as communicated, including the code of conduct relevant to role/position,

4.1.7 report all child protection and other Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns, allegations or incidents immediately to the Local Church Safe Church Liaison Office.

4.1.8 report all incidents or hazards to the Health & Safety contact person (or to a Team Leader) as soon as practicable.



In addition to the general responsibilities the following office holders and those associated with our church have the following specific responsibilities under this policy:



4.2.1 champion a culture of safety within the movement through the promulgation of the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines,

4.2.2. monitor and review the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines,

4.2.3 provide options for training in the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines for INC Ordained Pastors,

4.2.3 ensure that there are human resources specifically assigned to the National Office for the oversight of implementation of the Safe Church Policy and Guidelines.

4.2.4 Provide support to local churches in the implementation of the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines,

4.2.5 fulfill relevant legislative ‘head of entity roles’ (and equivalent in State based reportable conduct schemes) in child protection related investigations.

4.2.6 manage all risks in relation to the participation of known offenders in local churches


4.3.1 monitor compliance of the implementation of INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines on local churches,

4.3.2 Respond to incidents and risk of harm reports in just and fair manner (according to this policy and the guidelines),

4.3.3 Provide support to local churches in the implementation of the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines.

4.3.4 report to the National Executive on ongoing implementation and improvement of the Safe Church Policy and Guidelines, including all incidents and risk of harm reports.



4.4.1 Primary duty of care, to ensure so far as is practicable the health and safety of all persons involved at church,

4.4.2 ensure that INC Safe Church minimum standards are maintained at church
(as found in the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines),

4.4.3 assign responsibilities and resources (financial and human) for the implementation of the INC Safe Church Policy and Guidelines,

4.4.4 appoint to fulfill the reporting role under this policy a Local Church Safe Church Liaison Person, who  shall as soon as practicable report all concerns / disclosures to the INC Operations Board via the INC online incident report,

4.4.5 ensure disclosures of harm are reported to all relevant regulatory bodies.


4.5 PASTORS & (Ministry coordinators - department leaders - i.e. the Oversight the running of a or many ministry programs at the local church)  

4.5.1 implementation of this policy and related procedures as applicable to their program/event/s,

4.5.2 monitor workers who they oversee to ensure workers are acting safely and according to policy, guidelines and procedures,

4.5.3 provide reasonable instruction to workers regarding the provision of safe environments,

4.5.4 report to the Local Church Safe Church Liaison Officer any suspicions, allegations, incidents or potential breaches of the relevant code of conduct, and

4.5.5 identify and report all risks and hazards at church to the Local Church Safe Church Liaison.



4.6.1. implementation of the procedures in relation to responding to Safe Church concerns, including child protection, WHS, privacy, and evacuation procedures, 

4.6.2 tasks as directed by the Committee of Management

4.6.3 receive reports of incidents and/or concerns of risk of harm in relation to children or workers, hazards/incidents such as serious events and dangerous incidents from workers and visitors,

4.6.4 regular reporting to Committee of Management

4.6.5 keep WHS on the agenda at meetings of the Committee of Management,

4.6.6 notify incidents such as serious events and dangerous incidents as soon as practicable to the National Operations Board via the INC Collective online.

4.6.7 address health and safety concerns within reasonable time frame,

4.6.8 undertake a site safety audit at regular intervals (minimum 2 times per year), and

4.6.9 maintain secure records in relation to Safe Church Policy and Guidelines.


4.7.1 uphold all church policy, guidelines and procedures,

4.7.2 report to Local Church Safe Church Liaison  any suspicions, allegations, incident or potential breaches of the relevant code of conduct, and

4.7.3 identify and report all risks and hazards to relevant officer holder for treatment.



4.8.1 provide all information as necessary to ensure the safety of the person in their care,

4.8.2 provide feedback to the leaders of the church about safety issues.




This Policy is implemented through our INC Safe Church Guidelines, and Safe Church Implementation resources as found on INC Collective.



See INC Collective



See INC Collective


       This Policy was revised and updated to reflect current legislative requirements in Australia in November 2020.

       It was approved by the INC National Executive for use by our church on <insert date >.

       The Policy and Guidelines will be reviewed, as a minimum, by the INC Oversight Committee every 2 years and as often as necessary, in order to remain compliant with new legislation.

       Any proposed changes will be submitted to the Governing body of our church for approval at a properly convened meeting for approval before being adopted and implemented.


9.  Acknowledgement and agreement by Committee of Management






Local Church Committee of Management acknowledge and agree to abide .. on this date)



Name of The Senior Pastor - as the chair .  - Signature         Paul DeWildt 

date 01/06/2023


Committee member name -           signature       date





The INC Safe Church Guidelines contain both INC’s mandated ‘minimum standards’, for duty of care, child and vulnerable people protection and just and caring responses to misconduct and abuse.

The Guidelines are an outworking of our INC Safe Church Policy and are divided into two categories:

 - those considered to be legal, biblical and/or moral imperatives, denoted by the word ‘shall’ must be implemented as a minimum standards in practice, and

  - those considered as good practice, denoted by the word ‘recommended’, are nevertheless strongly recommended.



As an outworking of policy statements:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our INC Safe Church Guidelines including:

  • safe and adequate recruitment, training, supervision, support and resourcing of our workers, and

  • appropriate and expedient responses to all incidents, accidents, child protection and/or Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns.


  1. All INC workers involved in children and youth ministry ‘shall’ receive adequate, appropriate and ongoing training in the concepts of child protection including identifying and responding to concerns about children at risk of harm.

  2. INC Ordained Pastors, as part of their re-accreditation process ‘shall’ complete INC recognised Safe Church training initially and then every three years.



As an outworking of policy statements:

  • we acknowledge that all people have a right to feel and be safe, and to experience life- giving, harm-free interactions when engaging in INC activities, events and programs

  • we commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our Safe Church Documentation which includes: safe and friendly environments where people are listened to, feel safe, accept challenges, develop faith and grow in connection with God and others

  1. Our church ‘shall’ promote the empowerment and participation of all people at church.

  2. It is ‘recommended’ that INC workers will assist the families of Children:

- Speak up when they have a concern

- Access information about what child abuse is,

         - Feel welcome and have a say in the activities and programs in which their    Children or Young People participate as far as is practical,

- Engage in two-way communication between families and the church.




As an outworking of policy statements:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our INC Safe Church Guidelines including:

  • safe and adequate recruitment, training, supervision, support and resourcing of our workers, and

  • appropriate and expedient responses to all incidents, accidents, child protection and/or Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns.

  1. All INC workers in child related ministry ‘shall’ be made aware of the indicators of Child or Young Person abuse and neglect and report to their Local Church Safe Church Liaison  when they have concerns about a Child and/or Young Person who is involved in the church.





As an outworking of policy statements:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our INC Safe Church Guidelines including:

  • appropriate and expedient responses to all incidents, accidents, child protection and/or Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns.



It is ‘recommended’ that INC church appoint a Local Church Safe Church Liaison, whose roles include: receiving reports, assisting in the process of reporting of Safe Church concerns and keeping accurate records permanently and securely in accordance with privacy legislation.

  1. All INC workers (paid and unpaid) ‘shall’ report concerns when:

- a Child or Young Person discloses they have been or are at risk of being abused

- someone else (regardless of age) discloses that they know of a Child or Young Person who has been/is at risk of being abused

-  there are concerns that the Child or Young Person may have been or is at risk of being abused based on their physical appearance or behaviour.

  1. INC workers are not required, as an initial response, to establish or investigate if abuse has occurred, but rather report reasonable suspicions or concerns of abuse, including the grounds for concerns, to a Local Church Safe Church Liaison (or equivalent). 

  2. If a Local Church Safe Church Liaison or Team member is not available and the abuse is currently occurring, or there are reasons to believe that a Child or Young Person is at risk, a report should be made immediately to the police and appropriate authorities. 





i) Report to Local Church Safe Church Liaison /Team
Report concerns to the appointed Local Church Safe Church Liaison /Team, except when a disclosure occurs at a program or event, or a Child’s/Young Person’s immediate safety is at risk (sexual and physical abuse). In this case, immediately phone the police and organise appropriate support for the Child/ren. This can be done with the help of the most senior on-site Leader, who will also need to assist with managing the immediate situation.

ii) Report to the INC Liaison Officer (07) 3387 7755 for advice and guidance in the management of the situation as a church.
This will include appropriate actions including:
- Complete INC Collective online reporting and/or Police and Government Child Protection agency reporting.
- The Local Church Safe Church Liaison will keep a Local Church log, upholding privacy principles.
- Initiate relevant complaints handling processes (including Reportable conduct) if the allegations are about a worker.
- insurance reporting

iii) Provide ongoing support, pastoral care and risk management processes: It is the role of the Committee of Management to implement pastoral care and support for all parties involved, including the Child or Young Person and family, as much as is practical. There may also be risk management action plans that need to be implemented, e.g. stepping aside a worker who has been accused of harming a Child or Young Person whilst the investigation occurs.

iv) Disclosures - “Do’s and Don’ts” – for Workers


  • Listen … do not add anything to what the child says (you will need to write this down, exactly)

  • Reassure … the child that they have done the right thing in speaking to you

  • Inform … the child that you need to tell people who will try to help you

  • Ensure … that the child is not in immediate danger


  • Start an investigation re the information. Do not ask leading questions,
    only ask questions that have a yes or no answer

  • Promise the child that the abuse will stop

  • Tell anyone who does not need to know


NOTE: Keep it brief, do not have a long conversation, as this may be seen to have influenced the child.



  1. INC churches 'shall' appoint a Local Church Safe Church Liaison /Team, whose roles include: receiving reports, assisting in the process of reporting of Safe Church concerns and keeping accurate records permanently and securely in accordance with privacy legislation.

  2. INC workers 'shall' report concerns when there are concerns of:

  • Bullying behaviours

  • Emotional harm

  • Harassment

  • Elder abuse

  • Domestic violence

  • Criminal behaviours

  • Sexual harassment

  • Sexual misconduct

  • Sexual assault

  • Physical violence

  • Stalking

  • Self-harming / suicide risk

  • Historical child abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, neglect)


  • Concerns about the harmful behaviours of any person at a church program

  • Concerns about misconduct by a church worker against another adult



i)     During a disclosure - Follow the principles of the Disclosure (above)

ii)    Report to supervisor

  • Report to your supervisor all disclosures and reasonable concerns about an adult to discuss reasonable appropriate pastoral, legal and organisational actions, actions (unless the concern is about your supervisor, then go to point ‘d’).

  • It may be that this is a process of negotiation with the adult, as their right to privacy should be considered. However, remember confidentiality does not mean keeping secrets but rather telling those who need to know. As a worker of the church you are required to follow all church procedures, including this one, and as such will need to inform the person disclosing of your church requirement to report, at least the some of the information, i.e. that there has been a disclosure, the nature and the person’s first name.
    Note: In the case of immediate danger to an adult it may be necessary to call the emergency services, e.g. threat of violence against another person, suicide attempts.  In such cases the most senior leader on site should make this phone call.

iii) Seek advice from the INC Liaison Officer.

iv)  Implement a response plan - Supervisor will contact the Local Church Safe Church Liaison to arrange a response plan.


v)    Assist - Actively assist the Local Church Safe Church Liaison to take the appropriate pastoral, legal, organisational and risk management actions, dependent upon the nature of the concern.



As an outworking of policy statements:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our Safe Church Guidelines including:

  • safe and adequate recruitment, training, supervision, support and resourcing of our workers,

  1. INC workers ‘shall’ be screened, appointed and inducted using a formal accountable / transparent process.

  2. All completed recruitment and screening documentation ‘shall’ be stored securely, and successful applicant documentation will be held on file permanently.

  3. It is ‘recommended’ that recruitment and screening documentation only be accessed by a member of the church with the authority of the Church Board.



As an outworking of policy statements:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our Safe Church Guidelines including: safe and adequate recruitment, training, supervision, support and resourcing of our workers,

  1. INC workers ‘shall’ receive appropriate oversight in their roles, including being provided with clear behavioural expectations for their role through a code of conduct.

  2. INC Ordained Pastors ‘shall’ adhere to the standards in the INC Code of Conduct for Ordained Pastors.

  3. It is ‘recommended’ that INC churches:

  i)   Provide adequate support for workers, it is recommended that there is adequate provision for formal and informal support for all INC workers.

 ii)  Establish and maintain Safe Church environments for each other and those to whom we minister when we work as the ‘body’, or minister in ‘team’ context.
All INC workers shall minister in transparent and accountable teams e.g. avoid unsupervised 1:1 contact with Children or Young People.

iii)   Develop skills of workers, it is recommended that there is adequate provision for developing workers. This may include things like regular team meetings and through in-house in-services and external training events.






As an outworking of policy statements:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our Safe Church Guidelines including:

  • appropriate and expedient responses to all incidents, accidents, child protection and/or Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns.

  1. INC workers ‘shall’ make an appropriate report to the relevant government agency/department (e.g. police, child protection, children’s guardian/commission) and we recommend contacting the INC Liaison Officer.

  2. INC workers ‘shall’ work through an appropriate process which affords natural justice to all parties.

  3. In all instances, it is ‘recommended’ that churches consider the pastoral, legal and insurance implications of the conflict or allegation and respond with transparency and accountability.

  4. In relation to allegations of serious misconduct against Ordained Pastors, the National Executive 'shall' appoint suitably qualified investigator/s, who will in turn provide findings of their enquiries to the National executive with regards to the Ordained Pastor's fitness to hold INC accreditation.



As an outworking of policy statements:


       We acknowledge that all people have a right to feel and be safe, and to experience life-giving, harm-free interactions when engaging in INC activities, events and programs;

  1. It is ‘recommended’ that each Church:

● Elect a Health & Safety Team to oversee implementation of WHS compliance.

● Write and implement Health and Safety policies, including privacy policy and evacuations procedures.

● Keep Health and Safety on the agenda at the Committee of Management meetings.

● Notify incidents such as serious events and dangerous incidents within a prescribed period to the Health & Safety Team.

● Address health and safety concerns within a timely manner of the concern being communicated to the Health & Safety Team.

● Notify incidents such as serious events and critical incidents within a prescribed period to the Health & Safety Team.

● Use the INC Incident Report on the INC Collective to report serious incidents.

● Ensure all workers know and follow church guidelines for responding to risk of harm concerns.

● Have the Health & Safety Team undertake a safe environment audit regularly.



As an outworking of policy statement:

  • we acknowledge that all people have a right to feel and be safe, and to experience life-giving, harm-free interactions when engaging in INC activities, events and programs;

  • we commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our Safe Church Documentation which includes:

    • safe and friendly environments where people are listened to, feel safe, accept challenges, develop faith and grow in connection with God and others



The church ‘shall’ provide safe environments including a commitment to:

i) servant leadership in our Church to all people,

ii) not engage in spiritually and emotionally abusive practices

iii) upholding National Privacy Act principles,

iv)  respect for diversity ethnically, e.g. the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds,

v) the safety of people with a disability.



i)  Churches ‘shall’ appropriately risk manage physical environment, including but not limited to; first aid, transportation, food safety, supervision numbers, management of high risk activities, fire, emergency and management of the presence of a person who poses risks to others (including known sexual offenders).




We acknowledge that the use of electronic media for communication is part of everyday life.

i)  INC workers ‘shall’ be mindful of the position of trust they hold by actively being safe in all online and digital interactions, including maintaining transparency and accountability in the use of electronic communications especially with Children or Young People as far as is practical, that is as a team, not as individuals, e.g. group emails/text messages/Facebook, not sending electronic communication that attempts to hide their identity or represent the sender as someone else.

ii)  INC workers ‘shall not’ transmit, download or store any communication that is: discriminatory or harassing, derogatory, obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic, defamatory, threatening, for any purpose that is illegal or contrary to the Code of Conduct relevant to their position. In the case where INC workers receive such communication from any INC worker or other INC Church attendee, they will report this to their Local Church Safe Church Liaison, Pastor or INC Liaison Officer.

iii)   It is ‘recommended’ that communications with Children under 16 occur with the knowledge of the parent/s or carer/s of the Child or Young Person.



    As an outworking of policy statement:

We commit to the welfare of all people through the implementation and ongoing improvement of our Safe Church Guidelines including

  • appropriate and expedient responses to all incidents, accidents, child protection and/or Safe Church (misconduct and abuse) concerns.

  1. INC workers ‘shall’:

i) respond to incidents appropriately and promptly and take adequate follow up action.

ii) Use the INC Incident report form in the INC Collective for injuries or accidents requiring secondary medical attention, e.g. visit to a doctor or medical centre.

iii) Incidents of a serious nature need to be reported to our insurer.


  1. It is ‘recommended’ that all incidents in relation to children are reported to parents and/or care-givers of Children or Young People, and in instances where the impact has been felt by a wider group, report, with the permission of those involved in the incident, to the wider concerned group.

1.1 Safe Ministry Check form




Surname: ...........................................  

Christian Names: ...........................................................      

Male        Female

Previous Names: ..................................................      

Marital Status:...................................................

Date of Birth: .......................................................


Mobile Phone: ..................................................         


Home Phone: ........................................                     

Work Phone: ....................................................


Please circle either “YES” or “NO” for each question

If the answer to any of the following questions is “yes”, please give details on a separate page if necessary.


NOTE: A ‘yes’ answer will not automatically rule an applicant out of selection.

1.          Do you have any health problem(s), which may affect you volunteering for the church?    Yes /  No

2.         Have you ever been charged with and/or convicted of a criminal offence?    Yes  / No

3.         Have you ever engaged in any of the following conduct, even though never having been charged?       Yes  / No

•          sexual contact with someone under your care other than your spouse                                                                  

 (such as a parishioner, client, patient, student, employee or subordinate)

•          sexual contact with a person under the age of consent

•          illegal use, production, sale or distribution of pornographic materials

•          conduct likely to cause harm to people, or to put them at risk of harm

4.         Have you done anything in the past or present that may result in allegations being made against you of abuse?                                  

Abuse means: bullying; emotional abuse; harassment; neglect; physical abuse; or sexual abuse.                       

Against a child or an adult.     Yes  / No

5.         To your knowledge, have you ever been the subject of an allegation of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct? Yes/No

6. Have you ever had an apprehended violence order, order for protection or the like issued against you as a result of allegations of violence, abuse, likely harm, harassment, stalking, etc?   Yes / No

7.         Have you ever had permission to undertake paid or voluntary work with children or other vulnerable people refused, suspended or withdrawn in Australia or any other country?    Yes /No

8.         Has a child or dependent young person in your care (as a parent or in any other capacity) ever been removed from your care, or been the subject of a risk assessment by the authorities?  Yes / No

9. Has your driver’s licence ever been revoked or suspended?     Yes  / No

10. Have you a history of alcohol abuse or a history of substance abuse including prescription, over-­the-counter,                                    

recreational or illegal drugs?   Yes / No


RECORD OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP (if in the congregation less than 3 years)

List church organisations, churches, congregations of which you have been associated with (attach page if necessary):

Name of Church              


When (Month/Year)                    

Positions held

CHARACTER REFERENCES ( If you have been at your church less than 3 years)

Please provide two referees.

Referees must be over eighteen years of age and be able to give a report (by telephone only) on your good character and suitability for ministry.


Referee 1


Name: .................................................................................           

Phone: ...................................................................


State your relationship with this person:


Referee 2


Name: .................................................................................           

Phone: ...................................................................


State your relationship with this person: ......................................................................................................................


I hereby consent to an Australian Federal Police Check if I have resided in another country. I also consent to provide a National Criminal History Background Check and/or a Working with Children Check if necessary in my ministry area.


I consent to the information contained in this application including the subsequent pages to be kept by our church. I understand that this information will be kept in a confidential file and used only for screening and disciplinary purposes. 




I,          ..................................................              

of           ......................................................................


Do solemnly and sincerely declare that:

1.          The information I have provided in this application and the information contained in any documents accompanying this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


2.         I understand that any material misstatement in or omission from this questionnaire may render me unfit to hold a particular or any office in the Church.

Applicants Signature: ………………………………………………....

Date Declared: ...............................................................................



Name and office of witness: .........................................................................................

Signature: .....................................................................................................................


Endorsement of the senior leadership for this person to volunteer: .....................................................................................................


Note: Please seek legal advice if you are uncertain about signing this document.

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